


The pulse dust collector mainly consists of an upper box body, a middle box body, and an ash hopper. Among them, the upper box body includes components such as a spray pipe, pulse valve, controller, etc; The middle box body includes components such as filter bags and frames; The ash hopper is used to collect dust below the filter bag.

1. 濾袋是脈沖除塵器的核心部件之一,通常采用耐高溫、耐腐蝕、高強度的合成纖維或玻璃纖維制成。在濾袋外表面覆蓋一層薄薄的粉塵,當脈沖噴吹時,強大的沖擊力將粉塵迅速,達到除塵效果。

1. The filter bag is one of the core components of a pulse dust collector, usually made of high-temperature resistant, corrosion-resistant, and high-strength synthetic fibers or glass fibers. Cover the outer surface of the filter bag with a thin layer of dust. When pulse spraying is applied, the strong impact force quickly removes the dust, achieving a dust removal effect.

2. 骨架是濾袋的支撐結構,根據(jù)不同需求可采用不同材質制成。為了保證除塵效果,骨架應具有足夠的強度和剛度,并能防止濾袋變形。

2. The skeleton is the supporting structure of the filter bag, and different materials can be used according to different needs. To ensure the dust removal effect, the skeleton should have sufficient strength and stiffness, and be able to prevent deformation of the filter bag.


3. 噴吹管是脈沖除塵器的另一個核心部件,主要作用是將高壓氣體均勻地分配到每個濾袋中。噴吹管的長度和噴嘴的數(shù)量可根據(jù)不同型號的脈沖除塵器進行調整。

3. The blowing tube is another core component of the pulse dust collector, mainly used to evenly distribute high-pressure gas into each filter bag. The length of the blowing tube and the number of nozzles can be adjusted according to different models of pulse dust collectors.

4. 脈沖閥是控制高壓氣體進入噴吹管的開關部件,可根據(jù)需要自動或手動控制。在脈沖閥的下方通常設置一個氣包,可以儲存高壓氣體以備使用。

4. Pulse valve is a switch component that controls high-pressure gas to enter the blowing pipe, and can be automatically or manually controlled as needed. A gas bag is usually installed below the pulse valve to store high-pressure gas for future use.

5. 控制器是脈沖除塵器的控制系統(tǒng),可實現(xiàn)自動化控制和遠程監(jiān)控??刂破骺筛鶕?jù)不同的工況條件設定脈沖噴吹的時間、頻率等參數(shù),以保證除塵效果和設備的穩(wěn)定性。

5. The controller is the control system of the pulse dust collector, which can achieve automatic control and remote monitoring. The controller can set parameters such as pulse injection time and frequency according to different operating conditions to ensure dust removal efficiency and equipment stability.


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