


  What principles should be followed when repairing a three leaf Roots fan? Roots blower has been in use for a long time and may encounter some difficulties to some extent. When choosing maintenance for Roots blower, we need to follow the following standards. As centrifugal fans that may not necessarily have common faults are necessary for maintenance!


  1. Importance criteria

  羅茨風機凡使用過的零件,卸下來查驗,無非下列幾類狀況:一是品質(zhì)情況良好,或是雖然有損壞但未作維修還可以再次使用;二是存有缺點,但歷經(jīng)修補依然能夠 再次使用;三是有很大的缺點,無法修補或維修使用價值并不大,必須開展拆換。

  The parts of Roots blower that have been used, when removed for inspection, are generally in the following conditions: first, they are of good quality, or although they are damaged but not repaired, they can still be used again; The second is that it has shortcomings, but can still be reused after being repaired; Thirdly, there are significant drawbacks, such as the inability to repair or the low value of maintenance, and it is necessary to carry out disassembly and replacement.

  查驗全過程中,該修換的零件應立即修換,不然危害鼓風機電機的查驗品質(zhì)。但假如對沒有危害的位置盲目跟風開展維修,或是將原本能夠 再次使用的零件提早拆換,又會導致消耗,提升檢修花費。因而,明確零件是不是修換,整體應該遵照“必須才修換”的標準。

  During the entire inspection process, the parts that need to be replaced should be repaired immediately, otherwise it will endanger the inspection quality of the blower motor. But if blindly following the trend for maintenance in non hazardous locations, or replacing parts that could have been reused early, it will lead to consumption and increase maintenance costs. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify whether the parts need to be repaired or not, and the overall standard should be followed to ensure that they are replaced only when necessary.


  2. Reliability standards

  有缺陷的零件必須修換,但到底是修還是換,應遵照“能靠譜使用”的標準。選擇維修的零件,維修后理應修復或大部分修復原來的生產(chǎn)制造精密度,考慮整個設備對零件的技術標準。這種規(guī)定,一般 包含零件的規(guī)格偏差,粗糙度,尺寸公差和表層強度等。一般說來,損壞不太比較嚴重的外殼、板墻和轉(zhuǎn)子等,歷經(jīng)修補大多數(shù)能夠 依舊使用,該類缺點一般 選擇維修;但滾動軸承、傳動齒輪及骨架密封等零件一旦毀壞就無法修補,湊合使用通常產(chǎn)生更大的不便,因而維修時一般選擇拆換。

  Defective parts must be repaired and replaced, but whether to repair or replace them should follow the standard of "reliable use". Choose the parts to be repaired, and after the repair, it is necessary to repair or mostly repair the original production and manufacturing precision, taking into account the technical standards of the entire equipment for the parts. This regulation generally includes specifications deviation, roughness, dimensional tolerance, and surface strength of the parts. Generally speaking, for less severely damaged casings, walls, and rotors, most of them can still be used after repair, and maintenance is generally chosen for these types of defects; However, once the components such as rolling bearings, transmission gears, and skeleton seals are damaged, they cannot be repaired, which usually causes greater inconvenience when used properly. Therefore, it is generally recommended to replace them during maintenance.羅茨風機(2)


  3. Economic standards

  能夠 修補的零件是不是一定開展修補,而不選擇拆換,還理應對維修與拆換的經(jīng)濟性開展較為。這類較為,不單單是對零件的維修與重置費用開展較為,只是將維修花費和維修的使用時間開展衡量。

  Is it necessary to carry out repairs on parts that can be repaired, rather than choosing to replace them, in order to improve the economic efficiency of maintenance and replacement. This type of comparison is not only about the cost of repairing and resetting parts, but also about measuring the cost of repair and the time it takes to use the repair.

  本文由  三葉羅茨風機 友情奉獻.更多有關的知識請點擊  http://www.hy579.cn   真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務.更多有關的知識我們將會陸續(xù)向大家奉獻.敬請期待.

  This article is dedicated by the friendship of Three Leaves Roots Wind Turbine. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.hy579.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned




