

  閉風器又名星型卸料器, 卸灰閥, 關風機,旋轉給料器,通常閉風器的結構是由帶有數(shù)片葉片的轉子葉輪,殼體,密封件及 減速器, 電動機等組成.進出口法蘭的為A型,圓形的為B型.閉風器一般都安裝在除塵器灰斗下部,為保證連接處的嚴密不漏風,上部應經(jīng)常保持(儲存)一定高度的粉塵。下面為大家介紹一下閉風器的工作原理。

A closed air blower, also known as a star shaped unloader, ash discharge valve, closed fan, and rotary feeder, is usually composed of a rotor impeller with several blades, a shell, seals, reducer, and an electric motor. The inlet and outlet flanges are of type A, while the circular ones are of type B. Closed air blowers are generally installed at the lower part of the dust collector hopper. To ensure a tight connection without air leakage, the upper part should regularly maintain (store) a certain height of dust. Below, we will introduce the working principle of the air shutter.


The working principle of a wind shutter is mainly based on its internal structure and design. Taking a impeller wind shutter as an example, its working principle includes the following points:


When the impeller type air shutter rotates, it decelerates and transmits the speed to the main shaft through the connecting shaft, driving the rotating impeller to rotate and playing the unloading principle.


Locking the air is achieved by always maintaining sufficient excess material in the valve body, and sealing the gap between the impeller and the casing through the excess to achieve the locking effect.



The air shutter includes impeller, impeller shaft, shell and other parts, where the inner diameter of the shell gradually decreases from left to right, and the height of the blades gradually decreases from left to right to achieve smooth material transportation and airflow obstruction.


The work of the air shutter also involves establishing a chain with the electric motor of the dust discharge valve to maintain a certain height of the ash column and prevent emptying.


In addition, the design of the air shutter also includes a pressure balancing structure. When there is a change in indoor and outdoor air pressure, special channels and partitions are used for pressure balancing to avoid sudden airflow and noise generation. This design ensures that the air shutter can efficiently balance the indoor and outdoor air pressure difference, thereby achieving the goal of preventing noise and exhaust phenomena.

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