

脈沖布袋除塵器整個(gè)設(shè)備包含凈氣箱、塵氣箱、灰斗、噴吹設(shè)備和支架五個(gè)部分。凈氣箱部,這部本分裝有噴吹管,凈氣部有凈氣出口,前面是檢修門,翻開檢修門時(shí),能夠很便利地替換任何一條濾袋,塵氣部分,塵氣   設(shè)在氣箱部分上部,箱內(nèi)裝有濾袋,灰斗部分,塵氣進(jìn)入塵氣箱后,潔凈空氣空過濾袋去凈氣箱。塵埃將沉降到灰斗中去,且沉降方向與氣流方向一致,有利于塵埃的沉降。凈氣箱和塵氣箱之間有隔板,濾袋尺度為長(zhǎng)1200mm,寬480mm,厚26mm的矩形扁濾袋。反吹風(fēng)設(shè)備,裝在凈氣箱下面,包含氣包、脈沖閥、脈沖操控儀等。

The entire equipment of the pulse bag filter includes five parts: a clean air box, a dust air box, an ash hopper, a spraying equipment, and a bracket. The air purification box section is equipped with a spray pipe, and the air purification section has a clean air outlet. The front is the maintenance door, and when the maintenance door is opened, it can easily replace any filter bag. The dust and gas section is located in the upper part of the air box section, and the box is equipped with filter bags and an ash hopper section. After the dust and gas enter the dust and gas box, clean air passes through the filter bag and goes to the air purification box. Dust will settle into the ash hopper, and the settling direction is consistent with the airflow direction, which is conducive to the settling of dust. There is a partition between the clean air box and the dust box, and the filter bag size is a rectangular flat filter bag with a length of 1200mm, a width of 480mm, and a thickness of 26mm. Anti blowing equipment, installed under the air purification box, including air pockets, pulse valves, pulse controllers, etc.


The quality of the trial operation of the pulse bag filter directly affects whether it can be put into normal operation. If not handled properly, it is likely to quickly lose its effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to carefully and steadily carry out the trial operation of the equipment. During the trial operation of the new pulse bag filter, special attention should be paid to checking the following points:


1. The rotation direction, speed, bearing oscillation, and temperature of the fan.


2. Check if the air volume and pressure and temperature at each testing point match the design.



3. The equipment condition of the filter bag can be determined by visually observing the emission situation of the chimney after operation to determine whether there is any bag dropping, loosening, or wear and tear.


4. Pay attention to whether there is condensation in the bag room and whether the ash discharge system is unobstructed. Avoid blockages and corrosion, as severe dust accumulation can affect the production of the host.

5、清灰周期及清灰時(shí)刻的調(diào)整,這項(xiàng)作業(yè)是左右捕塵性能和作業(yè)情況的重要因素。清灰時(shí)刻過長(zhǎng),將使附著粉塵層被清落掉,成為濾袋泄漏和破損的原因。如果清灰時(shí)刻過短,濾袋上的粉塵沒有清落掉,就   過濾作業(yè),將使阻力很快地   并逐步起來(lái),影響其運(yùn)用效果。

5. The adjustment of the cleaning cycle and cleaning time is an important factor affecting the dust capture performance and operation situation. If the cleaning time is too long, it will cause the attached dust layer to be removed, becoming the cause of filter bag leakage and damage. If the cleaning time is too short and the dust on the filter bag is not removed, the filtering operation will quickly and gradually increase the resistance, affecting its application effect.


Several characteristics of pulse bag filter


1. Using a submerged pulse valve, it has agile opening and closing, low resistance, and can achieve outstanding cleaning effect for 6-8 meter long filter bags with a spraying pressure of only 0.15-0.3 MPa.


2. Clear the dust. The acceleration achieved on the surface of the filter bag during dust removal is much greater than that of other types of pulse bag dust collectors, resulting in uniform dust removal and good results.


3. High filtration load. Due to the presence of dust removal, even if the dust collector operates at a higher filtering wind speed, its resistance will not be too high, generally between 1200-1500Pa. Compared with the back blowing dust collector, the pulse bag dust collector has an equal filtering area and a larger processing air volume.


4. Convenient to view and replace filter bags. The equipment and bag replacement of the filter bag are convenient, without the need for tying. Operators do not need to enter the interior of the box, and the operating environment is good.


5. The equipment cost is low. Due to the high filtration load, the required filtration area for processing the same amount of flue gas is smaller than that of the reverse blowing pulse bag filter, resulting in compact equipment and small footprint.

6、   的操控技能。以PLC可編程操控器為主機(jī)的操控體系對(duì)除塵器清灰、   煙氣溫度、清灰壓力等運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)參數(shù)進(jìn)行實(shí)時(shí)操控,功用,穩(wěn)定。

6. Control skills. The control system with PLC programmable controller as the main host can control the real-time operation parameters of the dust collector, such as dust removal, flue gas temperature, and dust removal pressure, with stable and functional performance.

脈沖布袋除塵器在很久以前便已有運(yùn)用,在一些發(fā)達(dá)   像是燃煤電站的運(yùn)用已經(jīng)有二三十年的前史,在我國(guó)布袋除塵器被廣泛的運(yùn)用于煉鐵廠、煉鋼廠、鐵合金廠、耐火廠、鑄造廠、發(fā)電廠等的場(chǎng)所。早在20世紀(jì)80年代初燃煤電站鍋爐上嘗試運(yùn)用布袋除塵器,現(xiàn)在我國(guó)布袋除塵器的研討越來(lái)越   ,清灰效果越來(lái)越顯著。并且還會(huì)有用的除掉煙氣中的粉塵。

Pulse bag filter has been in use for a long time, and has a history of 20-30 years in some developed coal-fired power plants. In China, bag filter is widely used in iron and steel plants, ferroalloy plants, refractory plants, casting plants, power plants, and other fields. As early as the early 1980s, attempts were made to use bag filters on coal-fired power plant boilers. Now, there is increasing research on bag filters in China, and the cleaning effect is becoming more and more significant. And it will also effectively remove dust from the smoke.


This article is dedicated by the pulse dust collector. For more information, please click: http://www.hy579.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned




