

布袋除塵器正壓除塵和負(fù)壓除塵的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn):(1)正壓除塵系統(tǒng),布袋除塵器 正壓式(又稱壓入式)除塵器內(nèi)部氣體壓力高于大氣壓力,正壓式 布袋 除塵器引風(fēng)機(jī)安裝在除塵器含塵煙氣進(jìn)口端,在除塵器墻體內(nèi)產(chǎn)生正壓力,易將含塵或腐蝕物煙氣導(dǎo)入除塵器,不易安裝在室內(nèi),也不易處理毒性大的含塵煙氣 。

The advantages and disadvantages of positive pressure dust removal and negative pressure dust removal of bag filter: (1) Positive pressure dust removal system. The positive pressure (also known as pressure in type) dust collector has a gas pressure higher than atmospheric pressure inside. The positive pressure bag filter's induced draft fan is installed at the inlet of the dust containing flue gas in the dust collector, generating positive pressure inside the dust collector wall, which easily leads the dust containing or corrosive flue gas into the dust collector and is not easy to install indoors, It is also difficult to handle highly toxic dusty smoke.


However, smoke containing dust or corrosive substances passing through the interior of the fan can easily cause damage and wear to the fan; The characteristics of positive pressure bag filter are simple and lightweight shell structure, low sealing requirements, low cost, and compact layout.


The dust collector in the positive pressure dust removal system should be installed after the ventilation fan. Its characteristics are as follows.


① Due to the dust collector being installed behind the ventilation fan, the dusty gas flows through the fan before being purified by the dust collector, and the impeller and casing of the fan are easily worn by dust. Therefore, the positive pressure dust removal system is only suitable for situations where the gas dust concentration is less than 3g/m3, the dust wear is weak, and the force is small.


② Due to the fact that the dust collector is located in the positive pressure section of the ventilation fan, there is no need to consider the air leakage rate of the dust collector, resulting in lower mechanical and electrical consumption of the ventilation system.


③ The maintenance structure of the dust collector is simple, for example, the maintenance structure of the positive pressure bag filter does not need to be sealed, only rainproof measures need to be taken; Equipment manufacturing and installation are simple and cost-effective.


④ Dust collectors have a certain degree of noise reduction effect, and silencers may not be installed on the outlet side of ventilation fans; Beneficial for saving space for dust removal systems and reducing initial investment.

(2)負(fù)壓除塵系統(tǒng),布袋除塵器的 負(fù)壓式(又稱吸入式):負(fù)壓式 布袋 除塵器引風(fēng)機(jī)安裝在除塵器凈化氣體出口端,通過(guò)負(fù)壓將含塵或腐蝕物煙氣引入除塵器內(nèi)部進(jìn)行凈化,通過(guò)風(fēng)機(jī)內(nèi)部的為凈化后氣體。一般含塵濃度_過(guò)3g/m?,粒度較粗,磨琢性強(qiáng),硬度大的粉塵均選用負(fù)壓式。


(2) Negative pressure dust removal system, also known as suction type of bag dust collector: The negative pressure bag dust collector's induced draft fan is installed at the outlet of the purified gas in the dust collector, and the smoke containing dust or corrosive substances are introduced into the dust collector for purification through negative pressure. The purified gas is obtained through the fan. General dust concentration_ Over 3g/m?, Dust with coarse particle size, strong grinding ability, and high hardness is selected as negative pressure type.

負(fù)壓式 布袋 除塵器的突出優(yōu)點(diǎn)是可使風(fēng)機(jī)免受粉塵磨損,但對(duì)外殼的結(jié)構(gòu)強(qiáng)度和密閉性要求高。排放的氣體有強(qiáng)腐蝕性,應(yīng)該選擇負(fù)壓袋式除塵器,這樣腐蝕性氣體好控制,不易泄漏,好稀釋。脈沖除塵器按過(guò)濾方向:內(nèi)濾式、外濾式,按進(jìn)氣口位置:分下進(jìn)風(fēng)布袋除塵器和上進(jìn)風(fēng)布袋除塵器。

The prominent advantage of negative pressure bag filter is that it can protect the fan from dust wear, but it requires high structural strength and airtightness of the shell. The emitted gas has strong corrosiveness, and a negative pressure bag filter should be selected. This way, the corrosive gas is easy to control, not easy to leak, and easy to dilute. The pulse dust collector is divided into two types according to the filtering direction: internal filtering and external filtering. According to the position of the air inlet, it is divided into a lower inlet bag dust collector and an upper inlet bag dust collector.


The dust collector in the negative pressure dust removal system should be installed before the ventilation fan. Its characteristics are as follows.


① Due to the dust collector being installed in front of the ventilation fan, the dust concentration of the gas is greatly reduced, resulting in a significant reduction in the wear and tear of the ventilation fan and an increase in its operating life. Therefore, the negative pressure dust removal system can handle high initial concentration of dust containing gas.


② Due to the fact that the dust collector and pipeline are located in the negative pressure section of the ventilation fan, it is easy to inhale air and cause air leakage (with a leakage rate of 5% to 10%), which increases the air volume of the ventilation fan and increases power consumption.


Whether to choose a positive pressure dust removal system or a negative pressure dust removal system should depend on the characteristics of the dust removal gas.

常用的除塵設(shè)備有一下幾種,機(jī)械式除塵設(shè)備,洗滌式除塵設(shè)備,過(guò)濾式除塵設(shè)備,靜電除塵設(shè)備,磁力除塵 設(shè)備,下面我們具體來(lái)分項(xiàng)介紹一下。

There are several commonly used dust removal equipment, including mechanical dust removal equipment, washing dust removal equipment, filtering dust removal equipment, electrostatic dust removal equipment, and magnetic dust removal equipment. Below, we will introduce them separately.


1. Mechanical dust removal equipment: Mechanical dust removal equipment includes gravity dust removal equipment, centrifugal dust removal equipment, and inertial dust removal equipment.

2、洗滌式除塵設(shè)備:洗滌式除塵設(shè)備包括水浴式除塵設(shè)備、泡沫式除塵設(shè)備,文丘里管除塵設(shè)備、水膜式除塵設(shè)備 等。

2. Washing dust removal equipment: Washing dust removal equipment includes water bath dust removal equipment, foam dust removal equipment, Venturi tube dust removal equipment, water film dust removal equipment, etc.

3、過(guò)濾式除塵設(shè)備:過(guò)速式除塵設(shè)備除塵機(jī)理類似于口置,是通過(guò)過(guò)濾材料對(duì)空氣中的飛灰顆粒進(jìn)行機(jī)械攔截來(lái)實(shí) 現(xiàn)的,另先收到的飛灰顆粒在濾料表面形成了一層粘稠的穩(wěn)定的灰層,稱為濾餅或慮床,它又起了很好的過(guò)濾作 用。

3. Filter type dust removal equipment: The dust removal mechanism of the over speed dust removal equipment is similar to that of an oral device, which is achieved by mechanically intercepting fly ash particles in the air through filter materials. In addition, the first received fly ash particles form a thick and stable ash layer on the surface of the filter material, called a filter cake or filter bed, which plays a good filtering role.

4、靜電除塵設(shè)備:靜電除塵設(shè)備的工作原理是煙氣通過(guò)電除塵設(shè)備主體結(jié)構(gòu)前的煙道時(shí),使其煙塵帶正電荷,然后 煙氣進(jìn)入設(shè)置多層陰極板的電除塵設(shè)備通道。

4. Electrostatic dust removal equipment: The working principle of electrostatic dust removal equipment is that when the smoke passes through the flue in front of the main structure of the electrostatic dust removal equipment, the smoke carries a positive charge, and then the smoke enters the channel of the electrostatic dust removal equipment with multiple cathode plates.


5. Magnetic dust removal equipment: The principle of magnetic dust removal equipment is to use conductive coils to generate a magnetic field and adsorb magnetic particles, mainly used for industrial waste gas such as steel.

很常用的除塵設(shè)備就是布袋除塵設(shè)備和濾簡(jiǎn)除塵設(shè)備 布袋除塵設(shè)備主要布袋除塵設(shè)備(袋式除塵器、布袋除塵器)的工作機(jī)理是含塵煙氣通過(guò)過(guò)濾材料,塵粒被 過(guò)濾下來(lái),過(guò)濾材料捕集粗粒粉塵主要靠慣性碰撞作用,捕集細(xì)粒粉塵主要靠擴(kuò)散和篩分作用。布袋除塵設(shè)備除塵 效果的優(yōu)劣與多種因素有關(guān),但主要取決于濾料。布袋除塵器的濾料就是合成纖維、天然纖維或玻璃纖維織成的布 或氈。根據(jù)需要再把布或氈縫成圓簡(jiǎn)或扁平形除塵濾袋。根據(jù)煙氣性質(zhì),選擇出適合于應(yīng)用條件的濾料。通常,在 煙氣溫度低于120℃,要求濾料具有耐酸性和耐久性的情況下,常選用滌綸絨布和滌綸針刺氈;在處理高溫?zé)煔?(<250C)時(shí),主要選用石墨化玻璃絲布。

The commonly used dust removal equipment includes bag dust removal equipment and filter dust removal equipment. The main working mechanism of bag dust removal equipment (bag filter, bag dust collector) is that the dust containing flue gas passes through the filter material, and the dust particles are filtered out. The filter material mainly captures coarse dust particles through inertial collision, while capturing fine dust particles mainly relies on diffusion and screening. The dust removal effect of bag dust removal equipment is related to various factors, but mainly depends on the filter material. The filter material of a bag filter is a cloth or felt woven from synthetic fibers, natural fibers, or glass fibers. Sew the cloth or felt into round or flat dust removal filter bags as needed. Select filter media suitable for application conditions based on the properties of the flue gas. Usually, when the flue gas temperature is below 120 ℃ and the filter material is required to have acid resistance and durability, polyester velvet cloth and polyester needle punched felt are often used; When dealing with high-temperature flue gas (<250C), graphite glass fiber cloth is mainly used.




